Saturday, August 12, 2023

Commentary: Turkey secretly delivered internationally banned cluster munitions to Ukraine.

 In recent news, it has been reported by numerous sources that Turkey has allegedly started sending a specific type of cluster bomb to Ukraine in late 2022. It is said that the Kyiv government had been requesting the Biden administration for these particular munitions for several months before they were supplied by Turkey. The cluster bombs in question are known as 155mm M483A1 cluster munitions, which are notorious for being internationally banned due to their indiscriminate and deadly nature. However, it remains to be seen whether there is any concrete evidence to support these claims and allegations.

 Despite reports alleging that Turkey delivered cluster bombs to Ukraine last year, a senior Turkish official has vehemently denied such claims. It remains unclear whether the surface-to-surface weapons provided by Turkey were actually used in combat. However, it is worth noting that Ukraine has not denied receiving cluster munitions from Turkey. While the specifics of this situation may still be shrouded in uncertainty, it is clear that tensions remain high between these two nations and their respective allies. As the global community continues to monitor developments in this ongoing conflict, it is essential that all parties involved prioritize transparency and accountability in order to promote peace and stability for all those affected by this crisis.

 Upon investigation, it has been found that there are currently no reports from any independent organizations regarding the alleged delivery of cluster munitions by Turkey to Ukraine. However, it is important to note that Human Rights Watch has thoroughly documented the use of cluster munitions in the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. Shockingly, this includes the use of US-provided cluster munitions by Ukraine as a part of their counteroffensive against Russia. The usage of such weapons is highly concerning and raises serious questions about the ethical implications of these actions. It is imperative that all parties involved in the conflict take steps towards de-escalation and finding peaceful solutions to avoid further harm to innocent civilians caught in the crossfire.

 In the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia, Ukraine has resorted to using cluster munitions provided by the United States in their efforts to push back against Russian aggression. These weapons, which release multiple smaller explosive devices upon impact, have been controversial due to their potential to harm civilians and cause long-lasting damage to infrastructure. Despite this, Ukraine has deemed them necessary in their counteroffensive strategy against Russia. This decision highlights the severity of the conflict and the lengths that both sides are willing to go to gain an advantage. The use of cluster munitions also raises concerns about international laws governing the use of such weapons and underscores the need for continued dialogue and diplomatic efforts towards a peaceful resolution.

 Cluster munitions are highly effective against area targets such as infantry, artillery, and truck convoys, but they are controversial because of high dud rates and the resulting danger to civilians.

 It is important to highlight that the 2008 Convention on Cluster Munitions, which prohibits the manufacture, transfer, stockpiling, and use of cluster munitions under all circumstances and mandates affected countries to provide assistance to victims, has not been signed or ratified by Russia, Ukraine or the United States.

 This means that these countries are not legally bound by the convention's provisions and may continue to produce or use cluster munitions without facing any legal consequences. Despite this fact, it is essential for the international community to continue advocating for universal adherence to this convention in order to minimize the humanitarian impact of these deadly weapons.


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