Saturday, September 2, 2023

what is the concept of Barzakh in Islam?

 In Islam, Barzakh is the period between a person's death and their resurrection on the Day of Resurrection

 The word "Barzakh" means a veil or a barrier that stands between two things and does not allow them to meet
 It is a place that separates the living from the hereafter, and it is also a phase or stage that happens between death and resurrection
 After entering the world of Barzakh, one does not experience physical pains like headache, toothache, and such other troubles. Such suffering forms a part of the essentials of the material world. But there, in Barzakh, it is the realm of abstracts or of incorporeal beings

Punishment in Barzakh is due to the wrath and anger of Allah towards His slave. Whoever angers Allah in this world and does not repent, and dies like that, will be punished in al-Barzakh to a level commensurate with Allah's anger with him
 The punishments vary according to the sins committed, and the torments of al-Barzakh will befall some of those who committed major sins

what are some common misconceptions about Barzakh in Islam?
Here are some common misconceptions about Barzakh in Islam:
  1. Barzakh is not a physical place: Barzakh is not a physical place, but rather a state or phase that happens between death and resurrection. It is a realm of abstracts or incorporeal beings, where the soul is separated from the body and freed to contemplate the wrongdoing of its former life
  2. Barzakh is not the same as Purgatory: Although Barzakh is sometimes referred to as Purgatory, it is not the same as the Christian concept of Purgatory. In Islam, there is no concept of a place where souls are purified through suffering before entering Paradise
  3. Barzakh is not a permanent abode: Barzakh is not a permanent abode, but rather a temporary phase that ends with the Day of Resurrection. After the Day of Resurrection, the souls will either enter Paradise or Hell
  4. Barzakh is not a place for the unborn souls: Although some scholars have suggested that Barzakh is the place for the unborn souls, this is not a widely accepted view in Islam. According to Ibn Hazm, Barzakh is the place where souls stay between death and the Day of Resurrection
  5. Barzakh is not a place of physical pain: In Barzakh, one does not experience physical pains like headache, toothache, and such other troubles. Such suffering forms a part of the essentials of the material world. But there, in Barzakh, it is the realm of abstracts or of incorporeal beings
  6. Barzakh is not a place for those who go neither to hell nor to heaven: Although some scholars have suggested that Barzakh is the place for those who go neither to hell nor to heaven, this is not a widely accepted view in Islam. According to Ghazali, Barzakh may be the place for those who are neither good nor bad, but this is not a definitive view

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