Sunday, April 16, 2023

Common habit of today's youth which can cause hearing loss

 Nowadays the use of air or headphones with smartphones is very common, as a result of which more than a billion young people are at risk of hearing loss.

This warning came out in a new medical study.

The study, published in the journal BMJ Global Health, estimated that 24 percent of people aged 12 to 34 listen to headphones, earphones, earbuds or music at an unsafe volume level in different places.

The World Health Organization (WHO) said in 2019 that young people's hearing power is at risk due to devices such as smartphones, headphones and earphones.

The study found that listening to music at an unsafe volume level only once can damage hearing power, while doing so repeatedly causes changes in hearing.

According to researchers, this habit can lead to hearing loss over time.

During the research, the habit of listening to music around the world was examined.

For this purpose, the researchers analyzed research reports from 2000 to 2021 on the habit of listening to music in loud voices from devices.

More than 18,000 people were included in 33 such research reports.

Researchers estimated that 23 percent of adults and 27 percent of young people listen to music on devices at unsafe volume levels.

He warned that this estimate may be wrong, but according to these figures, 670 million to 1.35 billion people may face the risk of hearing loss in the coming years.

Researchers said that the research is limited to some extent, but the habit of listening to music in very loud voices on devices or in different places can be devastating for hearing power.

The study called on governments around the world to implement policies in this regard immediately.

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