Sunday, April 16, 2023

Frequent hypoglycemia is hazardous for diabetics.

 Frequent hypoglycemia is hazardous for diabetics.

Despite the fact that diabetics are at a greater risk for vision loss, patients who frequently experience low blood sugar may experience slightly more eye damage. As a result, frequent low blood sugar levels can exacerbate vision problems associated with diabetes. Scientists from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine reported that as a patient's blood sugar level decreases, the oxygen supply to the eye's associated cells is also impacted, and as a result, this process may occur repeatedly and cause vision loss.

In this study, human and rat retinal eye cells were grown in the lab by depriving them of sugar abruptly, and the results were recorded. The study is published in the most recent issue of Cell Reports, a scientific journal.

According to the findings of university researcher Akrit Sodhi and his colleagues, diabetics who take insulin and experience twice-daily blood sugar drops below the normal range may experience additional eye damage. According to him, diabetic patients who do not take insulin are also susceptible to this sleeping-related condition. On the one hand, this decreases the amount of oxygen that reaches the eye, and on the other, it causes the cellular proteins in the retina to grow, which thickens the blood vessels and may make it more difficult for diabetics to see.

Despite the need for further research on the entire process, researchers assert that this change occurs at the cellular and molecular level of the eye. The expression of a gene known as GLUT1 then increases, and a protein that further depletes oxygen is produced.

In addition to discovering the complete mechanism (pathway) of this process, scientists are currently conducting additional research.

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