Thursday, April 13, 2023

What Fruits and Vegetables Raise Blood Pressure?

 Blood pressure-raising vegetables and fruits are primarily those that have been salted during the processing process. Pickled cucumbers, sauerkraut, olives, and marinated mushrooms add to the pressure. Fructose-rich fruits, such as candied, syrup, and fruit juices, can also raise blood pressure. Check out which fruits and vegetables should be avoided if you have high blood pressure.

 Fresh and raw fruits and vegetables are unlikely to raise blood pressure. Pickled and pickled vegetables, which contain a lot of salt, are a problem for hypertensives. Fructose-rich candied and dried fruits also raise blood pressure. Some fruits and vegetables naturally contain a lot of sodium, so it's a good idea to limit them to some extent. Check out this list of vegetables and fruits that can cause hypertension.

 How do vegetables and fruits affect blood pressure?

 Fresh, unprocessed vegetables and fruits are generally recommended for people with high blood pressure. To sum up, most fresh vegetables and fruits lower blood pressure. They form the foundation of the DASH diet, the healthiest diet for hypertension that combines the Mediterranean diet with sodium-reduction recommendations. Vegetables and fruits help to lower blood pressure by:


  • They contain a lot of blood pressure lowering potassium .
  • They don't have a lot of sodium in them naturally, which can raise blood pressure. 
  • They consist mostly of water , which helps regulate blood pressure.
  • They provide healthy fibre.

However, there are a few exceptions and products from the group of vegetables and fruits that can raise blood pressure. They do this mainly for three reasons:


  • They are processed and salt has been added to them (e.g. pickled vegetables, brined vegetables, pickled vegetables).
  • They naturally contain more sodium than potassium .
  • They are a very rich source of fructose , which can raise blood pressure.

What vegetables and fruits raise blood pressure?

 Vegetables and fruits that raise blood pressure are primarily all products that have had salt added to them. The most significant contributors to high blood pressure are salt and sodium (a salt component).

 Do pickled cucumbers (and other pickles) raise blood pressure?

 Pickles are healthy and contain natural probiotics, but people with high blood pressure should limit their consumption. The issue is the high salt content of pickled foods:


  • pickled cucumbers, 
  • sauerkraut,
  • pickled mushrooms ,
  • pickled beets,
  • Kimchi,
  • pickled cauliflowers.

Pickle juices raise blood pressure


If you have high blood pressure, avoid pickled juices such as pickled cucumber juice, pickled beetroot juice, and sauerkraut juice. They are occasionally consumed for health reasons, but people with high blood pressure should avoid them. The health benefits of pickled juices and brines outweigh the risks associated with hypertensive patients' increased salt intake. You should not consume an excessive amount of beetroot sourdough for the sake of your blood pressure.


Candied fruits raise blood pressure


High fructose foods may also contribute to high blood pressure, according to some scientific evidence. It is mentioned less frequently than salt, but it is also important. Fructose reduces nitric oxide (NO) production, which relaxes the veins and arteries. As a result, fructose causes the circulatory system to tighten, raising blood pressure. Foods high in fructose raise uric acid levels as well. Fructose causes the kidneys to "retain" salt, which causes blood pressure to rise. As a result, foods high in fructose must be limited in the gout diet. However, this does not imply that you must completely avoid fruit (all contain some amount of fructose). Simply avoid foods that are sweetened with fructose and sugar.


Due to the content of fructose, blood pressure can be raised by:

  • candied fruits : oranges, cherries, orange peel and others;
  • dried fruits which are a concentrated source of natural sugars: raisins, dates, dried bananas, apple chips;
  • sugar syrup fruits (often sold in cans): peaches, pineapples and others;
  • fruit juices drunk in excess (even those freshly squeezed)

Diabetes-friendly fruits can be used in extreme cases when you must be extremely cautious about all products with the least potential to raise blood pressure. These are the fruits with the lowest sugar and fructose content.


Processed, fried (and salted) vegetables raise blood pressure


When discussing vegetables that raise blood pressure, we should include processed vegetables. Although you are aware that fries are not a salad, it is worth noting that salted and fried vegetable products can cause extremely high blood pressure. Put them on the same level as fast food.



  • vegetables and fruits fried in deep fat,
  • breaded vegetables,
  • vegetable pastes with high salt content,
  • vegetables in salty sauces.

Canned and pickled vegetables can raise blood pressure


Brined vegetables are another type of vegetable that raises blood pressure. Read the label carefully to determine how much salt is in the vegetables you intend to purchase. Pickled vegetables in cans and jars should be avoided:


  • string beans in a jar,
  • boiled carrots in a jar,
  • pickled peppers,
  • pickled mushrooms,
  • pickled corn,
  • canned and jarred peas,
  • olives.

It is because of the salt content that some people wonder if olives are healthy . In fact, in terms of hypertension, you have to eat them in moderation.


Vegetable juices and ready-made soups raise blood pressure

Choose a soup with the least amount of salt if you have high blood pressure, as it should be included on the product label.


High sodium vegetables and fruits


The most important details in this text are that some vegetables and fruits contain some sodium naturally, but these amounts are not comparable to those with added salt. It is important to know what products we are talking about and avoid drinking a lot of juices from given vegetables. The most important factor is the ratio of sodium to potassium in a given product. If there is more potassium than sodium, the vegetable or fruit has a positive effect on blood pressure.


Vegetables and fruits naturally rich in sodium include:

  • celery - 86 mg sodium / 100 g
  • carrot - 69 mg sodium / 100 g
  • celery - 62 mg sodium / 100 g
  • dried tomatoes - 266 mg/ 100 g
  • chard - 226 mg of sodium / 100 g
  • artichokes - 94 mg sodium / 100 g
  • spinach - 83 mg sodium / 100 g
  • pak choi cabbage - 65 mg sodium / 100 g

Vegetables and fruits rich in sodium by adding salt:

  • pickled cucumbers - 1208 mg of sodium / 100 g
  • olives - 735 mg of sodium / 100 g
  • sauerkraut - 661 mg/ 100 g

Vegetables and fruits to raise the blood pressure?


People may seek information about blood pressure-raising fruits and vegetables to raise their blood pressure, but this is not the best idea. Even if they suffer from hypotension, these vegetables and fruits will not help. Additionally, people should not increase their salt intake on their own based on the train of thought that it may help raise their blood pressure.


Any modifications to salt intake recommendations should be made by a doctor. Excess salt is harmful, causing not only high blood pressure, but also other serious health problems . Everyone should avoid it.



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