Friday, June 30, 2023

Are Dalits in India prosperous?

 Dalits in India are not generally prosperous. They face extreme levels of social discrimination, which directly impacts their ability to become economically empowered

 According to a report, less than a third of Dalits are literate, and well over 40% survive on less than $2 a day
 Infant mortality rates are dramatically higher among Dalits than among higher castes, and they are far more likely to be underweight and far less likely to get postnatal care
 However, there is a tiny but growing group of wealthy Dalit business people, and Dalits have experienced gains as the country’s economy has expanded

The new market economy has replaced social markers with material markers, and Dalits can buy rank in the market economy
 According to Chandra Bhan Prasad, a Dalit activist and researcher who has championed capitalism among the untouchables, India is moving from a caste-based to a class-based society, where if you have all the goodies in life and your bank account is booming, you are acceptable

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