Thursday, August 31, 2023

how did Jewish immigration to Israel change after the establishment of the state in 1948?

 After the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948, Jewish immigration to Israel continued to be a significant factor in the country's history

 Here are some ways in which Jewish immigration to Israel changed after the establishment of the state:
  1. Mass immigration: The years between 1948 and 1951 witnessed the largest migration ever to reach the shores of modern Israel, with approximately 688,000 immigrants coming to Israel during the country’s first three and a half years at an average of close to 200,000 a year
     This mass immigration was a result of the war between Israel and the Arab states in 1948, which led to the displacement of many Jews living in Arab countries.
  2. Immigration from the former Soviet Union: Winter 1989 marked a turning point, reversing the declining Jewish flows witnessed during the prior decade. Following the breakup of the Soviet Union, massive numbers of Jews began leaving the Soviet republics to settle in Israel. Israel took in nearly 1.1 million immigrants from the former Soviet Union between 1990 and 2018 (about 400,000 of whom arrived between 1990 and 1991) 
  3. Changes in immigration policies: Israel's immigration policies have changed over time, with the country embracing immigration of Jewish diaspora while sharply restricting labor migrants and asylum seekers
Overall, Jewish immigration to Israel has continued to be a significant factor in the country's history, with waves of immigrants coming to the country for various reasons, including fleeing persecution, seeking safety, and fulfilling a dream of building the Holy Land

Monday, August 28, 2023

what is the history of enforced disappearances in Pakistan?

 Enforced disappearances have been a longstanding issue in Pakistan, with the practice originating during the military dictatorship of General Pervez Musharraf from 1999 to 2008

 The practice continued during subsequent governments, and the victims of enforced disappearances are often from marginalized sections of society
 The groups and individuals targeted in enforced disappearances in Pakistan include people from Sindhi, Baloch, Pashtun ethnicities, the Shia community, political activists, human rights defenders, members and supporters of religious and nationalist groups, suspected members of armed groups, and proscribed religious and political organizations

 The role of Pakistani security forces in enforced disappearances is to carry out secret detentions and enforced disappearances, which is a violation of international law and human rights
 Despite the pledges of successive governments to criminalize the practice, there has been slow movement on legislation while people continue to be forcibly disappeared with impunity

The government has been criticized for not doing enough to end enforced disappearances, and human rights organizations have urged the government to investigate, prosecute, and punish any such violation

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