Sunday, August 27, 2023

What is the likelihood of Saudi Arabia developing nuclear weapons in the future?

 The likelihood of Saudi Arabia developing nuclear weapons in the future is a subject of concern and speculation. While Saudi Arabia has not officially maintained and possessed weapons of mass destruction (WMD), there have been indications and statements that suggest the potential for nuclear weapons development.

In a 2018 interview, Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman confirmed that Saudi Arabia would develop nuclear weapons if Iran successfully detonated one
 This statement caused widespread distrust of the Saudi Arabian nuclear program. Additionally, there have been reports of an alleged deal between Saudi Arabia and Pakistan regarding nuclear weapons projects
 The Saudi government is believed to have funded nuclear weapons development in Pakistan
However, it is important to note that Saudi Arabia has signed the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and has not openly pursued a nuclear weapons program
 Studies of nuclear proliferation have not identified Saudi Arabia as a country of concern
 The country's declared nuclear focus is on peaceful applications of nuclear energy, affordable power plants, desalination reactors, and environmental protection
The future development of nuclear weapons by Saudi Arabia will depend on various factors, including regional security dynamics, the actions of other countries in the region, and the outcome of diplomatic efforts to prevent nuclear proliferation. It is a complex and sensitive issue that continues to be monitored by the international community.

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