Saturday, September 16, 2023

Living in Canada: The Struggle to Keep Up with Rising Costs

 The rising cost of living in Canada has become a significant concern for both Canadians and newcomers. Inflation has been higher than 3% for ten consecutive months, and more than half of Canadians say they can't keep up with the cost of living

 The cost of essential items such as energy, food, and transportation is rising faster than others, and many Canadians are cutting back on discretionary spending to cope with the situation
For newcomers, the cost of living in Canada can be particularly challenging. A combination of federal and provincial government supports, as well as resources available to individuals, can help newcomers navigate the rising costs
 However, it is essential to establish a realistic budget before arriving in Canada and be prepared to spend more time saving
International students may also face underestimated living costs, as the Canadian government's estimated living expenses during the application process are nearly half of what a student in Toronto typically spends
 This underestimation can lead to financial struggles for international students.The high cost of living has even led some Canadians to leave the country in search of more affordable accommodation and essential items
 The situation is further exacerbated by factors such as the global energy crisis
 and the COVID-19 pandemic's impact on international trade
To address the soaring cost of living, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has overhauled his cabinet to focus on affordability, particularly housing
 The government is expected to explore potential solutions and strategies to help Canadians cope with the cost-of-living crisis.In summary, the rising cost of living in Canada is a pressing issue affecting both Canadians and newcomers. The government is taking steps to address the situation, but individuals must also be prepared to make adjustments and establish realistic budgets to navigate the increasing costs.

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