Saturday, April 29, 2023

Consumption of low-carbohydrate diet can prevent type 2 diabetes: Study

 A new study has found that consuming a low-carbohydrate diet can help prevent type 2 diabetes and reduce blood sugar levels in diabetic patients.

In a new study led by Tulane University, researchers said that low-carbohydrate diets reduce hemoglobin A1c (which indicates blood sugar levels) in patients with type 2 diabetes.

Doctors usually recommend a low-carbohydrate diet to diabetic patients, but there is very limited evidence on whether eating less carbohydrates can affect blood sugar in diabetic patients or people who are about to suffer from this disease.

Generally, low-carbohydrate diets focus on proteins and non-starchy vegetables, while limiting the consumption of grains, fruits, bread, sweet and starchy vegetables and fruits.

According to experts, according to dietary guidelines given to Americans, carbohydrates provide 45 to 65 percent of the calories taken by a person daily. Carbohydrates account for between 900 and 1,300 of the 2,000 calories a day.

In contrast, limiting carbohydrates from 20 grams to 57 grams yields 80 to 240 calories.

In this new study, the low-carbohydrate diet group set a target of consuming less than 40 grams of carbohydrates in the first three months and reduced this target to 60 grams in three to six months.

The study, published in JAMA Network Open, involved 150 people between the ages of 40 and 70 whose blood sugar levels ranged from the condition to diabetes before they were diagnosed with diabetes, and among them were people who did not take diabetes medication

Obesity can be prevented by adopting four simple habits

 Obesity itself is the cause of dozens of diseases, which has now become a global crisis. However, with dietary measures, exercise and caution, you can stay away from this disease. In this regard, the World Health Organization (WHO), a subsidiary of the United Nations, has given some very basic guidelines, by following which we can avoid obesity as well as many diseases.

 The most important thing is to adopt exercise regularly and avoid sitting idle for too long. However, other important measures include these.

Avoid sugar and salt

Sugar consumption has become a terrible disease of our era and is now taking revenge on us in the form of diabetes. All experts in the world agree that reducing sugar provides many immediate benefits and reduces obesity. The indiscriminate habit of eating sugar causes diabetes, which itself plays a direct or indirect role in increasing blood pressure, heart disease and cholesterol.

The second important item is the minimum use of salt. In today's fast-paced era, fast food, chips and pizza etc. are exceptionally rich in salt. According to the World Health Organization, an adult should not eat more than five grams of salt daily. Salt pushes us towards fattening and even before that we may have a blood pressure disorder.

That is why it is very important to avoid sugar and salt.

Oily Food

Oily foods, greasy foods are badly affecting our health. On the one hand, they are increasing cholesterol and on the other hand they are increasing many disorders including blood pressure. This is the reason why it is important to completely avoid greasy items. Fats gradually accumulate in the form of fat in our body and keep increasing our weight.

Balanced Food

Although there is a lot of debate on balanced diets, experts say that a diet containing all the necessary ingredients and vitamins, proteins and other ingredients makes a balanced diet. This includes fruits, vegetables, meat, eggs, pulses and other commodities. This is the reason that balanced diet also keeps the body functions moderate and thus obesity is kept away.


It is very important to mention drinking after eating. It is a good habit to completely avoid sugary drinks, soft drinks and energy drinks under fashion. Some research has proved that cola and other sweet drinks are the main cause of obesity. But these drinks are rich in sugar that we have already warned of.

10 Fruits that protect against Cholesterol

 High blood pressure or low blood pressure is also called a silent killer, which causes various life-threatening diseases and the biggest factor that causes this killer disease is cholesterol.

 Cholesterol is a fat, soft and soft substance, whose fixed amount is beneficial for human health, but increasing it makes the walls of blood vessels or arteries tight and hard.

 The main reason for the increase in cholesterol rate is the excessive use of fast food and unhealthy foods, which increases its rate in the blood, which causes blood pressure, heart disease and other diseases.

 The use of fresh fruits is very important to control the cholesterol rate because the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants included in it increase the strength of the body's defense system as well as keep cholesterol in the blood at a healthy rate.

 So know about the ten most effective fruits that keep cholesterol normal.


 Recent medical research reports have shown that daily use of strawberries reduces blood pressure by 4 to 10 percent during harmful cholesterol for the body. Strawberries are an excellent source of antioxidants, which are important for protecting against many diseases, including cancer and heart disease, while its daily use also helps in controlling obesity.

Red Grapes

 Red grapes are the best natural fruit for lowering cholesterol rates and they also provide protection against heart disease. These grapes have a high rate of fiber, especially on its seeds and peels which improve the digestive system. According to medical research reports, daily consumption of red grapes for six weeks reduces the rate of unhealthy cholesterol by 14 percent.


Malte does not allow cholesterol rates to rise, but instead transmits them to the blood during the digestive system. Daily use of them or daily use of a glass of their juice is very beneficial, while the vitamin C included in it is also helpful in protecting against other diseases.


Like all citrus fruits, lemons are high in vitamin C and do not allow the amount of harmful cholesterol in the body to increase and keep it normal. Moreover, the fibers contained in it improve the digestive system, which also reduces the chances of increasing the rate of cholesterol in the blood.


Although the benefits of this fruit in terms of reducing harmful health cholesterol have not yet been revealed, it has been seen in medical research reports that the use of kiwi increases the healthy cholesterol rate needed for the body, which helps to protect the heart from many diseases.

Grape Fruits

Grapefruits also help keep the rate of unhealthy cholesterol low. According to medical science, if the use of red grapefruits is made normal, it is effective in keeping cholesterol rate low and making the heart healthy. Apart from this, this fruit dissolves fat in the body, which also makes it easier to control obesity.

Blue Berries

Blueberries' medical benefits are often revealed, such as it increases brain power, protects against cancer, while removing body worms or swelling, but at the same time it is also helpful to normalize cholesterol rate. It does not allow the cholesterol rate to increase harmfully by dispersing fat cells in the blood.


Avocado contains healthy ingredients that increase the rate of beneficial cholesterol by reducing harmful cholesterol. This fruit is also helpful in keeping the blood pressure rate normal, which protects against heart disease and stroke etc. along with aging.


Apricot is a fruit rich in ingredients that help increase beneficial cholesterol instead of harmful health in the blood. Apart from this, it also contains a lot of antioxidants, which is helpful in protecting against many other diseases.


The habit of eating one to two apples daily reduces the rate of unhealthy cholesterol and keeps the heart healthy, it has also been proved that the antioxidants in apples do not allow cholesterol to accumulate in the arteries. Similarly, this fruit is also beneficial for protecting against obesity and this proverb is well known that eating one apple every day keeps the doctor away.


Friday, April 28, 2023

Commonly used items that contain many times more germs than a toilet

 Toilet is considered a stronghold of germs and that's why it's often cleaned as well.

 But there are many things around us that look clear, but they can contain more germs than a toilet.

 Knowing about these things will make it easier to take care of their cleanliness and also help to avoid any possible disease.




It will be difficult to believe a smartphone, but a smartphone can contain 10 times more germs than a toilet. If the phone is always in your hand, that is, taken everywhere, then the number of bacteria on it can also be more. This is because from the surface your hands touch, germs are transferred to the hands and reach the smartphone.


Computer Keyboard and TV Remote Control


Computer keyboard or TV remote control is used several times a day and the number of germs on them is much higher than on toilets.  It is estimated that a computer keyboard can contain up to five times more germs than a toilet.


Water bottles

Ordinary water bottles can contain up to 40,000 times more germs than a toilet.  A recent study found that frequent water bottles contain a high concentration of germs.  The study found that water bottles contain more than 20 million germs on average, compared to 515 in a toilet.


Kitchen cutting board


The wooden board used to cut fruits, vegetables or other things has a large number of germs. These can also be germs that cause illness, while the risk of contamination from germs in the diet increases.


Kitchen Sponge: The sponge


The sponge , which is helpful in washing dishes in the kitchen, not only contains more germs than the toilet, but it can have the most germs than all household items.

One study found that every square centimeter of kitchen sponges contains 45 billion microbes, including E. coli and other disease-causing bacteria.

The study also showed that cleaning kitchen sponges is also not possible and boiling in water eliminates only 60 percent of germs, so people should change it every week.


Purses and backpacks


your hand purses and backpacks or bags hanging on your shoulder also have more germs than a toilet.


The toothbrush holder


May be changing your toothbrush every 3 to 4 months, but do you remember the last time you cleaned the holder in which the toothbrushes are placed?


It would be hard to believe, but the number of germs in these ordinary-looking holders is many times more than in a toilet.


The moisture and other material in the toothbrush holder is to describe it as a stronghold of germs and there are also quite dangerous bacteria in its bottom.




An estimated 700 times more germs can be present on carpets or carpets than in a toilet.


Bathroom Taps

They can contain 21 times more germs than a toilet, while a kitchen tap can contain 44 times more bacteria than a toilet.


Note: This article is based on details published in medical journals, readers must also consult their physician in this regard.





Simple habits that help keep bones strong with aging

 The chances of bones weakening also increase as their volume decreases.

 Bone weakness can occur at any age and vitamins or mineral deficiency or lifestyle choices play an important role in this regard.

 According to experts, with aging, the volume of bones starts to decrease, especially in women, this is a very common problem.

 But the good thing is that it is possible to improve bone health by adopting some common habits at any age.

 Experts have told about such habits in this regard, which can improve bone health on a long-term basis by adopting them at any age.

 Taking care of important vitamins and minerals for bones

 If our body does not make calcium, then we have to resort to food and supplements to get it. According to experts, 1300 mg of calcium should be used daily, for this purpose drinking a glass of milk with all the time food can help or eating yogurt is also beneficial.

 Similarly, green leafy vegetables, fish, seeds, cheese, pulses and beans, almonds and figs, etc. also help in achieving calcium.

 Along with calcium, vitamin D is also important for bone health, which can be achieved by sunlight as well as fortified products made from fish, eggs and milk.

 Vitamin D supplements can also be used with the advice of doctors.

 Vitamin K (K) and magnesium are also good for bone health.

 Vitamin K (K) is found in green leafy vegetables, while magnesium can be obtained from nuts and whole grains.

 Supplements of both of them can also be used with the advice of doctors.


Especially walking, jogging and dancing, also helps to strengthen bones.

 Similarly, weight-lifting exercises increase bone density, which improves their health.

 According to experts, exercise should be done for 30 to 45 minutes at least 4 times per week.

 Experts say that it is possible to improve bone health by normalizing physical activity at any time in life.

 Take care of lifestyle

 Smoking and alcohol use weaken bones, while high-salt foods also affect bone health.

 Similarly, excessive consumption of caffeinated beverages such as coffee, tea and soft drinks is also harmful to bones.

 So avoiding all of them or at least using them is important for bone health


Keep an eye on family history

 Genes play an important role in bone health, if parents, grandparents or grandparents have been suffering from bone diseases, then you may also be facing them.

 So such people should keep getting their bone health checked after a certain period of time.


Note: This article is based on details published in medical journals, readers must also consult their physician in this regard.





Too much salt increases the risk of stomach cancer

 Salt is essential for the body. Many bodily functions and metabolic processes can only be accomplished with the help of the small crystals. This includes regulating blood pressure and maintaining fluid balance. What everyone should know about salt.

Table salt consists of the minerals sodium and chloride - and has no calories. Among other things, sodium regulates the water balance, affects blood pressure and ensures the signal transmission of nerve and muscle cells. Thus, the mineral is also of great importance for the heart rhythm. Among other things, chloride is an important component of the digestive juices and is involved in the formation of gastric acid.

Sodium deficiency is particularly common in the elderly

Older people around the age of 70 often suffer from sodium deficiency. Their bodies react sensitively to fluctuations in the salt balance. In addition, they are often not very thirsty and many of them are less hungry - it is possible that too little of the mineral is being absorbed.

The consequences can be:

  1. dizziness
  2. nausea
  3. Vomit
  4. unsteady gait
  5. confusion
  6. memory disorders
Diseases associated with diarrhea, vomiting, and fever also attack the sodium stores in the body. Likewise, medications, including certain antihypertensives, rheumatism drugs and antidepressants. A blood test shows how the mineral supply is doing.

Salt can raise blood pressure
But not only too little salt can be critical. Too much also puts a strain on the body. The fact is, salt can raise blood pressure levels. While people who have low blood pressure can benefit from this effect, it can be critical for people with a tendency to have high blood pressure. Over the years, high blood pressure can damage important organs such as the heart, coronary arteries, brain, kidneys and blood vessels. Consequences include life-threatening illnesses such as heart attack or stroke . From a value of 140/90 mm Hg (millimetres of mercury column) the doctor speaks of high blood pressure (hypertension).The extent to which salt affects blood pressure is different for everyone. Salt in food increases blood pressure in some people, and they are known as salt sensitive. According to studies, up to 50 percent of hypertensive patients are sensitive to table salt. In other people, on the other hand, there is no significant effect of the mineral on blood pressure values.

Too much salt increases the risk of stomach cancer
Excessive salt consumption is also discussed in connection with stomach cancer. According to the Cancer Information Service (KID) of the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), heavily salted or cured foods seem to increase the risk of stomach cancer - regardless of whether it is salted or cured meat, fish or heavily salted vegetables. The explanation: table salt probably damages the gastric mucosa and thus contributes to inflammatory processes in the stomach.

There is a growing body of evidence that suggests that too much salt intake can increase the risk of stomach cancer. Salt can damage the cells in the stomach lining, which can lead to inflammation and cell changes that may eventually become cancerous. In addition, salt can also increase the risk of stomach cancer by increasing the production of stomach acid, which can damage the stomach lining(Google Bard)

How much salt does the body need?
Experts disagree on the amount of salt that is harmless. In order to be able to maintain the important bodily functions, a daily minimum salt intake of 1.4 grams applies. According to the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment ( BfR ), the body of an adult needs up to a maximum of six grams of table salt daily to cover the requirement. According to the German Society for Nutrition (DGE), it shouldn’t be more than six grams – that’s about a teaspoon of salt.

The World Health Organization ( WHO ) even specifies a daily maximum value of only five grams - according to the WHO, we consume around nine to twelve grams of salt every day in western countries. That equates to about one and a half to two teaspoons. Men consume more than women.

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Some reasons that increase the risk of infertility in men

 Although most people associate infertility with women, 20 to 30 percent of infertile couples have problems in men.

 In November 2022, a study revealed that men's sperm count worldwide is declining by 2.6% annually.

 From 1973 to 2000, sperm count decreased by 1.2 percent annually, but from 2000 to 2018 it increased to 2.6 percent.

 The study did not shed light on the reasons for the decrease in sperm count, but the researchers said that environmental and lifestyle factors are possibly linked to it.

 Apart from this, medical experts have identified some reasons that increase the risk of infertility in men.



Excessive body weight also increases the risk of infertility in men because the amount of fat in the body affects the hormones that are linked to men's reproductive system.


Smoking, alcohol or drugs

Smoking, alcohol or drug use also increases this risk.


Nicotine present in tobacco increases oxidative stress in the body, which has negative effects on the reproductive system.


The same goes for drug use.


Prolonged use of alcohol also increases the risk of infertility in men because it significantly reduces the levels of a hormone called testosterone.


Poor diet

Not using a healthy diet or excessive use of junk food leads to vitamin C and zinc deficiency in the body.


The lack of these two ingredients has negative effects on the reproductive system, which increases the risk of infertility.



Both physical and mental stress increases the risk of various diseases.


People who are stressed all the time have a higher risk of infertility, but the reason for this is not completely clear.


Vitamin D deficiency

In some research reports, vitamin D deficiency and lack of testosterone levels in the body have been discovered, which can increase the risk of infertility.



It also increases the risk of infertility in men.


In 2018, a medical study conducted in the United States found that men with severe depression were 60 percent less likely to have children than others.


Tight Underwear

According to medical experts, the habit of wearing tight underwear can have negative effects on the sperm count, which increases the risk of infertility over time.


Not being

physically active also increases the risk of infertility by spending more time sitting.


A 2019 study found that men who spend more time sitting have a much higher risk of damage to sperm DNA, which can lead to infertility.


Lack of sleep

Good sleep is very important for physical health and that is why the habit of sleeping too little is linked to the risk of infertility in men.


A 2016 study found that lack of sleep increases the risk of infertility in men.


As they age, men's ability to become fathers begins to decline.


After the age of 40, men's ability to become fathers decreases, while the chances of having children without birth defects decrease by 11 percent.


Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Simple habits that help keep bones strong with aging

 The chances of bones weakening also increase as their volume decreases.

 Bone weakness can occur at any age and vitamins or mineral deficiency or lifestyle choices play an important role in this regard.

 According to experts, with aging, the volume of bones starts to decrease, especially in women, this is a very common problem.

 But the good thing is that it is possible to improve bone health by adopting some common habits at any age.

 Experts have told about such habits in this regard, which can improve bone health on a long-term basis by adopting them at any age.

 Taking care of important vitamins and minerals for bones

 If our body does not make calcium, then we have to resort to food and supplements to get it. According to experts, 1300 mg of calcium should be used daily, for this purpose drinking a glass of milk with all the time food can help or eating yogurt is also beneficial.

 Similarly, green leafy vegetables, fish, seeds, cheese, pulses and beans, almonds and figs, etc. also help in achieving calcium.

 Along with calcium, vitamin D is also important for bone health, which can be achieved by sunlight as well as fortified products made from fish, eggs and milk.

 Vitamin D supplements can also be used with the advice of doctors.

 Vitamin K (K) and magnesium are also good for bone health.

 Vitamin K (K) is found in green leafy vegetables, while magnesium can be obtained from nuts and whole grains.

 Supplements of both of them can also be used with the advice of doctors.


Especially walking, jogging and dancing, also helps to strengthen bones.

 Similarly, weight-lifting exercises increase bone density, which improves their health.

 According to experts, exercise should be done for 30 to 45 minutes at least 4 times per week.

 Experts say that it is possible to improve bone health by normalizing physical activity at any time in life.

 Take care of lifestyle

 Smoking and alcohol use weaken bones, while high-salt foods also affect bone health.

 Similarly, excessive consumption of caffeinated beverages such as coffee, tea and soft drinks is also harmful to bones.

 So avoiding all of them or at least using them is important for bone health


Keep an eye on family history

 Genes play an important role in bone health, if parents, grandparents or grandparents have been suffering from bone diseases, then you may also be facing them.

 So such people should keep getting their bone health checked after a certain period of time.


Note: This article is based on details published in medical journals, readers must also consult their physician in this regard.


If you have developed belly fat, there's definitely something wrong

 If you want to lose belly fat, you have to follow the same advice that is centuries old, that is, the perfect ratio of diet and exercise. Leave the rest where they are Belly fat is a health problem. It not only makes your appearance look bad but it can be life threatening.

When the skin around the ribs stretches more than an inch, we call it belly fat. This fat also accumulates around our internal organs, liver and intestines.

The fat that accumulates around the vital internal organs of the abdomen affects health.

It is considered the most dangerous for health, but the good news is that it is not too difficult to reduce.

Health websites and TV commercials offer very simple fat loss solutions but the question is : do they work?

A team of 'Trust Me IMA Doctors' has done some experiments to find the answer.

The team formed four groups of 35 volunteers who were obese and at risk for type 3 diabetes and heart disease.

Frederick Carpe, Professor of Metrobolic Medicine at Oxford University, and Dylan K. Thompson, Professor of Bath University, conducted two separate experiments on two groups.

Thompson adopted two types of exercise, while Professor Carpe advised the two groups to take two different diets.

Thomson asked the first group of people to follow a regular diet and were given monitors to record their daily activities. They were also given some tips to increase their walking and healthy activities.

The other group was asked to try out the methods of health related websites.

The third group, under the supervision of Professor Carpe, was asked to drink three glasses of milk a day, another popular form of fat reduction. Research has shown that dairy products reduce fat.

The fourth group focused on food. All they were told was to take care of the food. They were told not to eat salty snacks in between meals. They were also told how to deal with the pain caused by hunger.

After six weeks, all participants were re-examined.

In the first group, it was found that the fat did not decrease but the health improved significantly. In the second group, the fat was reduced and the waist was also reduced by 2 cm, but there was no significant improvement in health and weight.

The health of the third group of milk drinkers did not change, although they were asked to take an extra 400 calories, but still did not gain weight.

The highest improvement was seen in the fourth group taking controlled diet. She lost an average of 3.7 kg per person and lost an average waist of 5 cm. Body fat decreased by 5% while internal organ fat decreased by 14%.

So the bottom line is that if you want to lose your belly fat, you have to follow the same centuries-old advice - the perfect balance between diet and exercise. Leave the rest where they are

Starch-rich potatoes can be helpful in weight loss

 People who want to lose weight, experts usually tell them to avoid foods rich in carbohydrates,  but now scientists believe that starch-rich potatoes can be helpful in weight loss.

Scientists say that this happens because people eat the same amount of food at the time of eating that fills their stomach, without thinking about how many calories they have gained in this food.

According to the researchers, people who add potatoes to their food, which are rich in carbohydrates and are heavy, fill their stomachs quickly, so doing so prevents them from eating more calories after filling their stomachs.

Every 100 grams of potatoes contains about 80 calories. This amount is more than double the calories present in vegetables like carrots or broccoli. But potatoes and bread, pasta and rice are eaten in equal quantities, it contains half the calories compared to these things.

In this case, the researchers also pointed out that the method of cooking potatoes is also very important and potato chips and crisps should be avoided because frying reduces its nutrition.

Professor Candida Rebello, a dietitian and co-author of the study from a research institute based in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, said that by eating heavy but low-calorie foods, you can easily reduce calorie consumption.

He said that the main aspect of this study was that the researchers did not reduce the portion of food, but reduced the share of calories by adding potatoes.

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Colon cancer has been proven to be prevented by taking aspirin

 Another advantage of aspirin, a miracle medicine that has been used for over a century, is that it can help to prevent colon cancer.

Aspirin prevents cancer cells from developing and forces them to die naturally. If some of these cells escape the process, they can develop into tumurs and cancer.

The use of aspirin in this process has been demonstrated to be quite beneficial, particularly in gastric and intestinal malignancies, where it can help inhibit cancer cells from spreading.

Dr. Dominic Wooders, a public health specialist at the University of California, Berkeley, explained, "Aspirin inhibits the proliferation of cancer cells and has an effect on their birth rates and deaths." On the one hand, it increases cell death; on the other hand, it stops malignant tumours from spreading.

Another research expert, Natalia Kumarova, believes that aspirin may help prevent cancer cells from becoming sick and detrimental to the body, based on Darwin's theory of evolution. As a result, colon cancer slows down and may even prevent the cell from changing into cancer in the first place. That's why aspirin's position is so intriguing.

Many persons with genetic disorders were enlisted in this study, as they could have been diagnosed with various types of cancer as a result of Lynch syndrome. For two years, they were divided into two groups and given 600 mg of aspirin daily. It was discovered two years later that it could cut the risk of colon cancer by 63%. Other evidence and investigations support this theory.

Experts say they're still trying to figure out what's going on, but it's certainly given aspirin a new benefit.

Do you want to control your high cholesterol?

  Do you want to control your high cholesterol? 

Adults have cholesterol problems. Bad diet and genes cause high cholesterol.

It's not enough to change the daily menu to make everything normal. Yes, Proper diet helps.

Depending on the body's needs, the liver (70%) produces a lot of cholesterol.

The rest comes from food. Inadequate diet disturbs these proportions, creating a dangerous excess that can be reduced. 

In fact, many with high LDL cholesterol inherited their ancestors' tendency to store it.

They overproduce cholesterol in the liver due to a genetic defect that prevents their tissues from absorbing it. They eat well and are healthy, but atherosclerosis destroys their blood vessels. This can be stopped with them.

1. Relax

People's cholesterol levels drop after a vacation. Rest, relaxation, and good company are healing. Active recreation is the only sure thing, but overcoming stress is very important.

Stress causes high cholesterol, though the mechanism isn't fully understood.

The body produces more fatty acids and glucose when stressed.

The liver increases bad LDL cholesterol. This grows even in people who lose their appetite and don't eat unhealthy fats.  Inflammation begins with torn nerves. These affect blood vessels, accelerating atherosclerosis.

Rewarding yourself for overcoming challenges makes daily stress management easier. You know what pleases you: movies, spas, walks. Remember laughter therapy. Even forced smiles are healthy.

2. Physical activity

Relaxation and exercise should be combined.  You'll get two cholesterol-busters this way. Physical activity oxygenates cells, improves circulation, and burns fat. Cholesterol Effects:

  • LDL goes down

  1. HDL is growing.

In addition, you are losing weight, which is another priceless benefit.

20-60 minutes of daily exercise is recommended for anticholesterol. Aerobics, running, brisk walking, cycling, swimming are moderate-intensity exercises.

3. Weight reduction

Even if you follow a healthy high cholesterol diet and are overweight, it may be hard to get results. The maximum acceptable result for people at risk of cardiovascular disease is 20%. above ideal weight.

Let the doctor set the weight limit.  Ask him about an effective, safe nutritional program.  Even a healthy, very brave person shouldn't try risky Internet diets. It's bad for health.

4. Drugs

The doctor will determine what medications you need based on tests and an interview. Over-the-counter "miracle" drugs can help, but they're not for targeted therapies. Do you "hate chemical poisoning"? Cholesterol poisons you more.

Diabetes accelerates the aging process and causes memory loss

 A study in the journal E-Life found that diabetes not only speeds up the aging process but also speeds up the aging of the brain. Experts say that having Type 2 diabetes can speed up the aging process by 26%.

Our brains are amazing. They can remember things, learn, control themselves, and think in different ways. All of these things get worse as you get older, but people with diabetes have a 7–13% decrease in brain processing and other problems. Another conclusion is that type 2 diabetes can cause a wide range of mental illnesses.

 Specialists looked at MRI pictures of the brains of people who were healthy and those who had diabetes. Gray matter in the brain was 13 percent less common in people with diabetes than in people without diabetes. In this study, both healthy and sick people were the same age.

 There is a clear link between neurodegeneration and type 2 diabetes. The effect then gets stronger as the patient ages. Overall, diabetes makes the brain age 26% faster.

 The research was done by Dr. Lillian Mojica Parody of Stony Brook University and her team. She said, "Diabetes hurts the brain physically and structurally." Studies in the past have shown this to be true, and recently, more proof has been found.

 Experts have said that in the next phase, they will look at other biomarkers and work on developing new ways to treat the disease.

Common habit of today's youth which can cause hearing loss

Nowadays the use of air or headphones with smartphones is very common, as a result of which more than a billion young people are at risk of hearing loss.

This warning came out in a new medical study.

The study, published in the journal BMJ Global Health, estimated that 24 percent of people aged 12 to 34 listen to headphones, earphones, earbuds or music at an unsafe volume level in different places.

The World Health Organization (WHO) said in 2019 that young people's hearing power is at risk due to devices such as smartphones, headphones and earphones.

The study found that listening to music at an unsafe volume level only once can damage hearing power, while doing so repeatedly causes changes in hearing.

According to researchers, this habit can lead to hearing loss over time.

During the research, the habit of listening to music around the world was examined.

For this purpose, the researchers analyzed research reports from 2000 to 2021 on the habit of listening to music in loud voices from devices.

More than 18,000 people were included in 33 such research reports.

Researchers estimated that 23 percent of adults and 27 percent of young people listen to music on devices at unsafe volume levels.

He warned that this estimate may be wrong, but according to these figures, 670 million to 1.35 billion people may face the risk of hearing loss in the coming years.

Researchers said that the research is limited to some extent, but the habit of listening to music in very loud voices on devices or in different places can be devastating for hearing power.

The study called on governments around the world to implement policies in this regard immediately.

This warning came out in a new medical study.

The study, published in the journal BMJ Global Health, estimated that 24 percent of people aged 12 to 34 listen to headphones, earphones, earbuds or music at an unsafe volume level in different places.

The World Health Organization (WHO) said in 2019 that young people's hearing power is at risk due to devices such as smartphones, headphones and earphones.

The study found that listening to music at an unsafe volume level only once can damage hearing power, while doing so repeatedly causes changes in hearing.

According to researchers, this habit can lead to hearing loss over time.

During the research, the habit of listening to music around the world was examined.

For this purpose, the researchers analyzed research reports from 2000 to 2021 on the habit of listening to music in loud voices from devices.

More than 18,000 people were included in 33 such research reports.

Researchers estimated that 23 percent of adults and 27 percent of young people listen to music on devices at unsafe volume levels.

He warned that this estimate may be wrong, but according to these figures, 670 million to 1.35 billion people may face the risk of hearing loss in the coming years.

Researchers said that the research is limited to some extent, but the habit of listening to music in very loud voices on devices or in different places can be devastating for hearing power.

The study called on governments around the world to implement policies in this regard immediately.

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Does the removal of the third tonsil cause weaker immunity ?

 The third tonsil, also known as the **adenoid**, is a mass of lymphoid tissue that sits at the back of the throat, above the soft palate. It is part of the body's immune system and helps to fight infection.

The removal of the adenoid is a common procedure in children who have recurrent ear infections, sinus infections, or sleep apnea. It is also sometimes done in adults who have these conditions.

There is some debate about whether the removal of the adenoid can weaken the immune system. Some studies have shown that children who have their adenoids removed are more likely to get sick with respiratory infections in the years following the surgery. However, other studies have not found this to be the case.

It is important to note that the adenoid is not essential for the immune system. The body has other ways of fighting infection, such as the tonsils, the spleen, and the lymph nodes. Therefore, the removal of the adenoid is not likely to cause a significant weakening of the immune system in most people.

If you are considering having your adenoids removed, talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of the procedure.

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Friday, April 21, 2023

What are the risks of untreated hypothyroidism (Thyroid) ?

 Untreated hypothyroidism can cause:

  • development of atherosclerosis as a result of the increased amount of lipids in the blood, and thus cardiovascular disease,
  • depression, anxiety disorders,
  • overweight,
  • sterility,
  • irregular menstrual cycles,
  • recurrent miscarriages,
  • neurological disorders,
  • developmental disorders in a child,
  • hypothermic coma , which is a life-threatening condition; manifested by a drop in body temperature below 35 ° C, slowing down the heart rate, slowing down breathing and drowsiness progressing to coma.

It is also crucial to remember that untreated hypothyroidism makes it very difficult to function on a daily basis due to difficulty with focus, forgetting about more and less important things, or chronic tiredness. As a result, the disease can have a major impact on one's quality of life.

Which is better: dental bridges or dental implants?

Both dental bridges and implants are effective, long-lasting and functionally high-quality tooth replacement options. It is therefore difficult to say in general whether a dental bridge or a dental implant is the better choice. This is also highly dependent on the individual case.

A dental bridge is a type of dental restoration that is used to replace one or more missing teeth. It consists of two or more crowns that are placed on the teeth on either side of the gap, with a false tooth or teeth in between. The false tooth or teeth are called pontics and can be made from a variety of materials, such as porcelain, gold, or alloy. Dental bridges are a popular and effective way to restore the appearance and function of missing teeth.

Definition of a single implant

A single implant is a dental restoration that is used to replace a single missing tooth. It involves the placement of a titanium post into the jawbone, which acts as a replacement root for the missing tooth. A crown is then attached to the post, creating a natural-looking and functional replacement tooth. Single implants are a popular and effective alternative to dental bridges, especially for patients who only have one missing tooth.

Advantages of a Dental Bridge

Can replace one or more missing teeth

  1. Can be less expensive than a single implant
  2.  Can be completed in fewer appointments than a single implant
  3. Can be a good option for patients with multiple missing teeth in a row
  4.  Can help prevent remaining teeth from shifting out of place
  5. Can restore the ability to chew and speak properly
  6. Can improve the appearance of the smile by filling in gaps caused by missing teeth.

More affordable than a single implant

, Dental bridges can be a good option for patients who need to replace one or more missing teeth. They can also be completed in fewer appointments and help prevent the remaining teeth from shifting out of place. However, single implants are a popular and effective alternative, especially for patients who only have one missing tooth. Ultimately, the best option will depend on the individual patient's needs and preferences, as well as their budget and overall oral health.

Can be completed in a shorter amount of time

Dental bridges are a convenient option for patients who want to replace missing teeth quickly. They are also a good choice for patients with multiple missing teeth in a row, as they can fill in the gaps and restore the ability to chew and speak properly. Additionally, dental bridges can improve the appearance of the smile by filling in gaps caused by missing teeth. Overall, dental bridges are a great option for patients who want a more affordable and efficient alternative to single implants.

Can restore the natural shape of the mouth

Dental implants are a popular choice for patients who want a long-term solution for missing teeth. They are designed to function and look like natural teeth, and they can last for many years with proper care. Dental implants also help to preserve the jawbone and prevent further tooth loss by stimulating bone growth. While they may require more appointments and a higher initial cost than dental bridges, they offer a permanent and durable solution for patients with one or more missing teeth. Ultimately, the best option

Advantages of a Single Implant

Can be used to replace one or more missing teeth

Dental implants also help to preserve the jawbone and prevent further tooth loss, making them a great investment in overall oral health. While they may require a higher initial cost and more appointments than dental bridges, they offer a permanent and reliable solution for patients who want to restore their smile and improve their quality of life. Ultimately, the choice between dental bridges and dental implants will depend on each patient's unique needs and preferences, and should be discussed with a qualified

Can last for many years

A single implant requires minimal maintenance, making them a cost-effective option in the long run. Additionally, dental implants do not require any alteration of adjacent teeth, unlike dental bridges which may require the removal of healthy tooth structure. Overall, dental implants provide a natural-looking and functional replacement for missing teeth, improving both oral health and self-confidence. Patients should consult with their dentist to determine if dental implants are the right choice for their individual situation.


 Can restore the natural look of the mouth

As they are designed to mimic the appearance and function of natural teeth. With dental implants, patients can eat, speak, and smile with confidence, without worrying about their teeth slipping or shifting. They also do not require any special care or maintenance beyond regular brushing and flossing, making them a convenient and hassle-free option. Overall, dental implants are a popular and effective solution for restoring missing teeth and improving overall oral health. Patients should consider their individual needs and consult with a qualified dentist to determine if dental implants are the right choice for them.

Less invasive than a dental bridge

Dental implants provide a permanent and long-lasting solution for missing teeth. They are also more comfortable and natural-looking than other options, as they are designed to fuse with the jawbone and mimic the appearance and function of natural teeth. While the process of getting dental implants may take several months, the end result is worth it for many patients who want a reliable and convenient solution for missing teeth. It is important for patients to discuss their options with a qualified dentist and determine if dental implants are

Disadvantages of a Dental Bridge

Can be more expensive than a single implant

  1.  May require the alteration of adjacent healthy teeth
  2. May not be as long-lasting as dental implants
  3.  May cause discomfort or soreness in the gums or surrounding teeth
  4. May require more frequent maintenance and replacement over time.

Can cause damage to surrounding teeth

If not properly cared for or fitted. May not be as natural-looking or comfortable as dental implants. May require a longer healing time and more frequent adjustments or repairs. May not be suitable for patients with certain oral health conditions or jawbone deterioration. Overall, while dental bridges may be a viable option for some patients, dental implants offer a more permanent, comfortable, and natural-looking solution for missing teeth. It is important for patients to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of each option and

Can be difficult to clean and maintain

It can lead to potential oral health issues over time. Therefore, it is crucial for patients to have a thorough discussion with their dentist to determine if dental implants are the best option for their individual needs and oral health. By considering the advantages and disadvantages of both dental bridges and implants, patients can make an informed decision and achieve the best possible outcome for their smile.

Can cause gum irritation

It can cause gum irritation and inflammation, especially if not properly fitted or maintained. Additionally, dental bridges may require more frequent adjustments or repairs over time, which can be inconvenient and costly for patients. Overall, while dental bridges may be a suitable option for some patients, dental implants offer a more permanent and comfortable solution for missing teeth. It is important for patients to discuss their options with their dentist and consider the long-term benefits of dental implants.

Disadvantages of a Single Implant

Can be more expensive than a

They may be more cost-effective in the long run due to their durability and longevity. B. Requires a surgical procedure, which may not be suitable for all patients. It may take several months to fully heal and integrate with the jawbone before the final restoration can be placed. Despite these potential drawbacks, dental implants remain a popular and effective option for replacing missing teeth. Ultimately, the decision between a dental bridge and an implant should be made in consultation with a


Inflammation of the glans penis

 Inflammation of the glans penis, also known as balanitis, is a condition that affects the head of the penis. It can cause redness, swelling, and discomfort, and may be accompanied by itching, discharge, or pain during urination. Balanitis can be caused by a variety of factors, including poor hygiene, irritation from soaps or other products, fungal or bacterial infections, and certain medical conditions. Treatment typically involves keeping the affected area clean and dry, using topical


  1. Discomfort during sexual activity may also occur, and in severe cases, the foreskin may become tight and difficult to retract. It is important to seek medical attention if symptoms persist or worsen, as untreated balanitis can lead to complications such as scarring, phimosis, and even increased risk of sexually transmitted infections. In some cases, antibiotics or antifungal medications may be prescribed to treat the underlying cause of the inflammation. Preventative measures such as proper hygiene and avoiding irritants can also help reduce the risk of developing balanitis.
  2.  Redness and swelling are common symptoms of balanitis, along with itching and a burning sensation. These symptoms can be uncomfortable and may interfere with daily activities. In addition to practising good hygiene, avoiding harsh soaps and products, and seeking medical treatment when necessary, there are also natural remedies that may help alleviate symptoms. For example, applying aloe vera gel or coconut oil to the affected area may provide relief and promote healing. It is important to consult with a healthcare provider before using any home remedies to ensure they are safe and effective for your specific case of balanitis.
  3. Swelling, redness, itching, and burning are common symptoms of balanitis, which can be treated with antibiotics or antifungal medications. Good hygiene and avoiding irritants can also help prevent balanitis. Natural remedies like aloe vera gel or coconut oil may provide relief, but it is important to consult with a healthcare provider before using them.
  4. Itching, burning, redness, and swelling are common symptoms of balanitis that can interfere with daily activities. While antibiotics and antifungal medications can be effective treatments, practicing good hygiene and avoiding harsh products can also help prevent and alleviate symptoms. Natural remedies such as aloe vera gel or coconut oil may provide relief, but it is important to consult with a healthcare provider before using them to ensure safety and effectiveness.


 A. Physical exam

Physical and medical history are typically used to diagnose balanitis. A healthcare provider may also perform tests to determine if a bacterial or fungal infection is present. Treatment options may include prescription medications, over-the-counter creams, and lifestyle changes to promote good hygiene. It is important to seek medical attention if symptoms persist or worsen.

 B. Lab tests

Lab tests may be necessary to confirm the diagnosis and determine the underlying cause of balanitis. It is crucial to follow the healthcare provider's advice and treatment plan to effectively manage the condition and prevent complications. Natural remedies may be used as a complementary therapy, but it is essential to consult with a healthcare provider before using them. Overall, seeking medical attention is crucial for proper diagnosis and treatment of balanitis.


 A. Antibiotics

Antibiotics may be prescribed to treat bacterial infections that cause balanitis. Even if symptoms subside before the antibiotic course is complete, it is crucial to follow the doctor's instructions and take the full course of medication. Failure to complete the full course of antibiotics may result in the infection returning and becoming more difficult to treat.

 B. Topical steroids

Topical steroids may be prescribed to reduce the inflammation and itching associated with balanitis. It is important to follow the healthcare provider's instructions for use and not to overuse the medication, as it can lead to skin thinning and other side effects. C. Antifungal medicationAntifungal medication may be prescribed to treat fungal infections that cause balanitis. It is important to take the medication as prescribed and for the full duration of treatment to ensure the infection is fully cleared.

 C. Antifungal medications

are an effective treatment for fungal infections that cause balanitis. It is crucial to follow the healthcare provider's instructions and complete the full course of treatment to ensure the infection is fully eradicated. Failure to do so may result in the infection returning and becoming more difficult to treat.

 D. Hygienic measures

In addition to medication, hygienic measures can also help prevent and treat balanitis. It is important to keep the area clean and dry, and to avoid using harsh soaps or products that may irritate the skin. Wearing loose-fitting clothing and avoiding tight underwear can also help improve airflow and reduce moisture in the area. If you are prone to balanitis, it may be helpful to practice good hygiene habits on a regular basis to prevent future infections.



 A. Avoiding irritants

To prevent balanitis, it is important to avoid irritants that can cause inflammation and infection. This includes avoiding harsh soaps, perfumes, and other products that may irritate the skin. It is also important to practice good hygiene habits, such as keeping the area clean and dry, wearing loose-fitting clothing, and avoiding tight underwear. If you are prone to balanitis, it may be helpful to take extra precautions to prevent future infections.

 B. Wearing loose-fitting clothing

and avoiding tight underwear can also help improve airflow and reduce moisture in the area. This can help prevent the growth of bacteria and fungi that can cause infections. It is also important to maintain a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and regular exercise, as this can help boost your immune system and reduce your risk of infection. Additionally, if you have diabetes or other medical conditions that increase your risk of balanitis, it is important to work closely with your healthcare provider to manage your condition and prevent complications. By taking these steps, you can help reduce your risk of balanitis and maintain good overall

 C. Practising proper hygiene

is also crucial in preventing balanitis. Make sure to clean the area thoroughly during daily showers or baths, using mild soap and warm water. Avoid using harsh soaps or cleaning products that can irritate the skin. After washing, make sure to dry the area completely, as moisture can contribute to the growth of bacteria and fungi. If you notice any symptoms of balanitis, such as redness, itching, or discharge, seek medical attention promptly to prevent the infection from worsening. By following

 D. Avoiding unprotected sexual activity

is another important step in preventing balanitis. Using condoms during sexual activity can help reduce the risk of infection from sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) that can lead to balanitis. It is also important to practise good sexual hygiene, such as washing the genital area before and after sexual activity, to prevent the spread of bacteria and fungi. Additionally, avoiding sexual contact with partners who have symptoms of an STD or who have not been tested can help reduce the risk of developing balanitis.



Monday, April 17, 2023

Plastic bottles: why is it better not to reuse them?

With all this heat, you might want to fill up your water bottle. Nutritionists say that this is not a good thing to do. Reusing your water bottle at the beach, in a park, or in the forest is tempting, if not obvious. a habit that is good for the environment but bad for your health, according to research.

When heated, chemicals break down in water. It is a known fact that bottled water has a lot of tiny plastic pieces in it. But when it is ten times hotter, the process of molecules swapping places happens ten times faster. Chemical leaching happens when the chemicals in the plastic bottle mix with the liquid more quickly.

In a Chinese study, water bottles were kept at temperatures as high as 158 degrees Fahrenheit (74 degrees) for four weeks to show how heat affects PET water bottles, which are the most common type of disposable water bottle.

Because of this, the amount of BPA and antimony, which is a carcinogen similar to arsenic, had slowly gotten worse.

"Increasing the temperature of PET by 10°C is the same as tripling the amount of time that plastic and water are in contact with each other."

Also, the water will only get worse after the bottle has been opened.

Over time, bacteria can grow inside the bottle, which is another problem. When you open it and close it again, the germs do spread quickly. The same thing happens when the mouth touches the neck.

And in this case, you don't need to use a lot of heat because a drink can get sick even if it is left at room temperature.

The nutritionist says that the safest way to stay hydrated is to drink tap water from a stainless steel or glass gourd because "bottled water is not free of contaminants."

The expert also says not to use the water purifier or filter jug because it might have silver nanoparticles that could be harmful. In fact, these would slow down the growth and reproduction of both aquatic and land organisms and speed up their deaths.

Diabetes in women damages the heart.

 Diabetes can impact anybody, but not everyone in the same way. According to studies, women are more likely to get heart disease, stroke, and other problems from this terrible illness. High glucose levels adversely impair fertility, genitourinary health, and libido.

More frequently, diabetes in women damages the heart.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, diabetes increases the risk of heart disease (the most frequent complication of diabetes) by roughly four times in women but only about twice in males. Following a heart attack, diabetes worsens the health of diabetic women. In addition, they are more likely to acquire consequences such as stroke, eyesight loss, kidney illness, and depression.

Diabetes may raise a woman's risk of coronary heart disease and stroke for a number of reasons. One of them is the difference in biological characteristics between the sexes regarding the distribution of adipose tissue.

If you have a history of the condition in your family or if you are overweight or obese, your risk of developing diabetes increases. Check your blood sugar levels at least once a year and be mindful of diabetes' symptoms, which can be subtle.

Diabetes and the health of women

Diabetes is associated with several areas of women's health, including:

Menstrual cycle

Hormonal fluctuations might impact glucose levels before and during menstruation. During a week prior to the onset of menstruation, glucose levels often rise, necessitating an increase in insulin dosage. Diabetes can induce longer or heavier periods. Changes in hormone levels, such as those that occur during pregnancy, can also increase blood sugar levels.

Genitourinary well-being

Patients with diabetes are more prone than men to acquire recurrent urinary tract infections and intimate infections (primarily vaginal yeast infections). Infections are facilitated by high blood glucose levels and adverse alterations in the immunological and circulatory systems brought on by diabetes.

Becoming pregnant

High blood glucose levels might make pregnancy difficult. It is recommended to delay pregnancy until the glycemia has stabilised. Diabetes can cause pre-eclampsia (high blood pressure), which increases the risk of miscarriage, birth abnormalities, prematurity, increased baby weight, and more difficult delivery. Use contraception until the sickness is under control.


Due to elevated blood glucose levels, many women's sexual desire is lowered. In addition, intimate infections and vaginal dryness aggravate the symptoms. Damage to the nerves caused by diabetes decreases blood flow to the genitalia, resulting in a less pleasurable sexual encounter.


Even if the condition has never been identified before, gestational diabetes might manifest at this time. This risk occurs for all women, but it is greater for pregnant women who are overweight or obese, those over the age of 25, and those with a family history of type 2 diabetes.


The normal reduction in oestrogen that occurs during menopause influences changes in blood sugar. It's crucial to monitor your glucose levels. In addition, menopausal symptoms including hot flashes and sleeplessness can impact glycemia.

It is important to remember that the correct actions—healthy behaviours, food, and sometimes medication—can lessen the negative impacts of diabetes on different aspects of women's health.

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Common habit of today's youth which can cause hearing loss

 Nowadays the use of air or headphones with smartphones is very common, as a result of which more than a billion young people are at risk of hearing loss.

This warning came out in a new medical study.

The study, published in the journal BMJ Global Health, estimated that 24 percent of people aged 12 to 34 listen to headphones, earphones, earbuds or music at an unsafe volume level in different places.

The World Health Organization (WHO) said in 2019 that young people's hearing power is at risk due to devices such as smartphones, headphones and earphones.

The study found that listening to music at an unsafe volume level only once can damage hearing power, while doing so repeatedly causes changes in hearing.

According to researchers, this habit can lead to hearing loss over time.

During the research, the habit of listening to music around the world was examined.

For this purpose, the researchers analyzed research reports from 2000 to 2021 on the habit of listening to music in loud voices from devices.

More than 18,000 people were included in 33 such research reports.

Researchers estimated that 23 percent of adults and 27 percent of young people listen to music on devices at unsafe volume levels.

He warned that this estimate may be wrong, but according to these figures, 670 million to 1.35 billion people may face the risk of hearing loss in the coming years.

Researchers said that the research is limited to some extent, but the habit of listening to music in very loud voices on devices or in different places can be devastating for hearing power.

The study called on governments around the world to implement policies in this regard immediately.

Can diabetics eat peanuts?

 Many people like to eat peanuts, but does it not have a negative effect on the health of diabetic patients?

 Diabetic patients often think that eating peanuts is not harmful.

What are the health effects of eating peanuts?

Diabetes patients need to use a diet that does not increase blood sugar levels too fast after eating. Peanuts are not primarily nuts but a legume as the name suggests.

Since peanuts have similar characteristics to both legumes and nuts, it is often considered to be nut.

 There is a lot of evidence that indicates that the use of beans and nuts is beneficial for a person's health.

 Is eating almonds more beneficial for health after soaking them?

 A study has shown that nuts and beans reduce the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and other diseases, the risk of all these complications is very high for the patient of diabetes.

 By eating 28 grams of peanuts, the body gets 161 calories, 7.31 grams of protein, 4.57 grams of carbohydrates, 26 mg calcium, 1.3 milligrams of iron, 48 mg of magnesium, 107 mg of phosphorus, 200 mg of potassium, 5 mg of sodium and 0.93 mg of zinc.

 Peanuts also contain some amount of fat, B vitamins and vitamin E.

 What are the effects on blood sugar?

According to medical experts, the nutrients present in peanuts are beneficial for health and eating it has little effect on blood glucose levels.

 Diabetes patients have to choose each of their diets based on the glycemic index (GI) score.

 In this index, a diet is rated between a score of 0 and 100, taking into account the effect on blood sugar.

 If 0 means no effect on blood sugar, then 100 indicates pure sugar.

 Peanuts have a GI score of only 14 and that is why its use for diabetes patients can be beneficial for health, just eat in moderation.

 Diabetes patients have a very high risk of cardiovascular diseases and that is why they should make dietary choices carefully so that they can also reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.

 So whatever diet is beneficial for heart health, it can also be beneficial for diabetes patients.

 In one study, it was discovered that people who used to eat peanuts and other nuts had a lower risk of death from heart disease.

 Research indicates that there may be a link between eating peanuts and good heart health, but more research is needed in this regard.

 Presence of fiber Peanuts also contain fiber and the use of this dietary component reduces cholesterol levels, keeps the feeling of fullness for a long time while slowing the process of absorption of sugar.

 According to research reports, excessive use of fiber reduces the risk of getting affected by type 2 diabetes by 20 to 30 percent.

 Peanuts are high in fat and calories, but according to some research reports, eating it in moderation can help reduce body weight.


Popular heart medications can prolong life

 A study published in the journal "Aging Cell" shows that popular drugs used to treat cardiovascular disease can slow down the aging process. Although the analyses involved animals, the authors believe that they may prove to be an effective anti-aging strategy.

 The most effective anti-aging intervention today is considered to be a calorie-restricting diet. But as the experts point out, analyses of calorie restriction in humans have yielded mixed results. New research has shown that there is already a drug that may prove to be a reasonable solution.


Hypertension drugs can prolong life

A group of researchers from Europe and the United States has made a remarkable discovery. Scientists have proven that rylmenidine prolongs life and improves health indicators in animals. The drug is currently used in patients with hypertension.

 The benefits observed by the investigators related to the treatment of rylmenidine niceni C. elegans. Unlike other drugs studied by the expert group, rylmenidine has the potential to translate the results achieved in the study to humans.

 Side effects from the use of this drug are rare and not serious, the authors of the analysis emphasize.

 Professor João Pedro Magalhães, who led this research at the University of Liverpool, points out that "in the face of an ageing global population, the benefits of delaying the aging process, even if small, are enormous." The expert points out that this is the first such analysis that has shown that rylmenidins used on animals can extend life and delay aging.



"We would now like to investigate whether rylmenidine may have other clinical applications," added Prof. Magalhães.




Frequent hypoglycemia is hazardous for diabetics.

 Frequent hypoglycemia is hazardous for diabetics.

Despite the fact that diabetics are at a greater risk for vision loss, patients who frequently experience low blood sugar may experience slightly more eye damage. As a result, frequent low blood sugar levels can exacerbate vision problems associated with diabetes. Scientists from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine reported that as a patient's blood sugar level decreases, the oxygen supply to the eye's associated cells is also impacted, and as a result, this process may occur repeatedly and cause vision loss.

In this study, human and rat retinal eye cells were grown in the lab by depriving them of sugar abruptly, and the results were recorded. The study is published in the most recent issue of Cell Reports, a scientific journal.

According to the findings of university researcher Akrit Sodhi and his colleagues, diabetics who take insulin and experience twice-daily blood sugar drops below the normal range may experience additional eye damage. According to him, diabetic patients who do not take insulin are also susceptible to this sleeping-related condition. On the one hand, this decreases the amount of oxygen that reaches the eye, and on the other, it causes the cellular proteins in the retina to grow, which thickens the blood vessels and may make it more difficult for diabetics to see.

Despite the need for further research on the entire process, researchers assert that this change occurs at the cellular and molecular level of the eye. The expression of a gene known as GLUT1 then increases, and a protein that further depletes oxygen is produced.

In addition to discovering the complete mechanism (pathway) of this process, scientists are currently conducting additional research.

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Disadvantages of sitting for too long?

 Health is life, and where good diet is necessary to maintain health, physical activities also play a key role.

The  invention of computers and mobiles and the majority of people working in offices spend a long part of the day sitting in front of the screen,  this habit is causing many diseases such as diabetes, obesity, heart disease and mental diseases.

 Health experts consider this habit as dangerous as smoking.

 During a recent study, scientists revealed that exercising for a certain period of time is very important to remove the harmful effects of a day of sitting.

 According to research, if you have spent 10 hours of the day sitting, it is very important to perform 40 minutes of exercise or physical activity every day, including moderate or intense exercise, to avoid its harmful effects on health, and according to experts, it is the right time.

The study is based on a meta-analysis published in 2020 that analysed nine previous studies, including four countries in which 44,370 participants wore fitness trackers in some form.

This analysis revealed that the risk of death in the style of people who  were more seated increased when they performed  moderate to vigorous physical activity or spent time exercising.

"In active individuals who perform about 30 to 40 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity, the relationship between more sitting time and risk of death does not differ much from those who spend time sitting," the researchers explained in their paper. ”

In other words, some minor physical activities such as cycling, brisk walking, gardening can also help you reduce your risk of premature death.

However, people can still protect their health by giving up the habit of sitting for long periods of time and stay safe from its harmful effects.

While research based on fitness trackers broadly encourages the same 2020 WHO guidelines, according to which 150 to 300 minutes of moderate or 75 to 150 minutes of vigorous physical activity or  exercise should be performed every week to compensate for excessive sitting.

A high-calorie diet has a higher chance of cancer and early death, research

 Separate studies in the United States and Italy have shown that people who eat fast food or undernourished foods are more likely to have colorectal cancer and heart disease.

 According to the report published in the British Medical Journal, fast food or undernourished food includes items that are high in calories, including soups, sauces, pizzas, pre-cooked foods, sausages, French fries, soda, cookies, cakes, toffees, doughnuts, ice cream and others.

Marion Nestle, professor of nutrition, food studies and public health at New York University, said, "There have certainly been hundreds of studies on fast food or undernourished food, and all of them have shown that eating fast food is more likely to cause cancer, heart disease. ’

He added that this research is a continuation of all the research done in the past, fast food or low-food items clearly increase the chances of infectious diseases.

The us study looked at more than 200,000 men and women over the age of 28, most of whom found a link between fast food and colorectal cancer in men, making colorectal cancer the third most commonly diagnosed cancer in the United States.

Feng Fang Zhang, a cancer epidemiologist at Tufts University's Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy in Boston, said, "Research has shown that men use fast food more than women, and men are 29 percent more likely to have colorectal cancer than women."

Why was the risk of colorectal cancer not found in women?
Fengfang Zhang said, "The tendency of obesity in women compared to men, the role of metabolic hormone is different than men, perhaps that is why women are less likely to get this cancer than men."

"Women may be eating a healthier diet than men," said Dr. Robin Mendelson, a gastroenterologist at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City, who was not involved in the study.


Another study was conducted in Molis, Italy, where more than 200,000 people were evaluated, this study was started in 2005, in which the possibility of epidemic diseases in cancer, heart and brain was cited.


According to comments published in the British Medical Journal, items that are high in sugar and on the other hand, are more likely to die due to chronic diseases or early death due to low-nutrient items, research has shown that eating both types of food increases the chances of cardiovascular disease and early death.


"Even 80 per cent of diet based on nutrition has been rated unsatisfactory," said Marialora Bonacio, an epidemiologist in Italy.


"This suggests that the chances of dying early are not from undernourished items, but from eating more fast food or foods that are high in calories," he said.

Daily use of eggs helps in weight control

 Eggs are considered good for other physical health, including vitamin D, but now a new study has shown that they are also helpful in reducing obesity, including weight control.

 According to the research published in the medical journal 'Science Direct', a short but comprehensive study conducted by Spanish experts showed that the daily use of eggs not only helps in weight control, but it also reduces body fat and obesity.

A study conducted by the University of Casilla La Mancha on more than 350 students aged 18 to 30 found that daily consumption of eggs not only helps in weight loss, but their use also improves and strengthens body mass index (BMI).

During the research, experts asked volunteers to use eggs daily and the volunteers were divided into different groups.

During the study, some volunteers were instructed to eat eggs without yolk, while some volunteers were instructed to eat eggs with yolks, and experts also took x-rays of the volunteers, including conducting dietary questionnaires, assessing their BMI.

The results of the research showed that the daily use of eggs, including yolk, not only strengthens the bones, but they also increase physical strength and they also improve mental and heart health, including weight loss.

Research has shown that although eating eggs without yolk also yielded the best results overall, according to experts, eating whole eggs, including yolks, has more benefits.

According to experts, the daily use of eggs not only helps in controlling weight, but it also eliminates body fat and increases bone strength, including increasing physical strength.

Experts suggested that at least five eggs should be eaten in another week daily.

 Earlier research has also shown eggs to be good for mental and physical health, including vitamin D

Depression in people who do not eat meat revealed

 Although some research in the past suggested that eating too much meat is also harmful, now a new study has shown that people who avoid eating meat are more likely to have depression.

 According to research published in the medical journal 'Science Direct', long research conducted in Brazil showed that people who eat vegetables fondly are twice as likely to suffer from depression.

 For the study, experts asked more than 14,000 adults about food, including people between the ages of 35 and 75.

 Later, the experts interviewed all the volunteers and checked their body mass index (BMI), other tests were also done and their economic and social conditions were also assessed.

Experts also took into account the lifestyle of the volunteers and concluded that depression is generally suffering from people who do not eat meat despite deliberately expanding.

According to experts, people who eat vegetables were twice as likely to suffer from depression, but it is not completely clear that the suffering of depression is only due to eating vegetables and avoiding meat.

According to experts, people who are generally living a good life at the economic and social level and they avoid eating meat are more likely to be depressed.

 That is, in a way, people who are unable to eat meat due to inability, it becomes difficult to check depression in them, because such people also suffer from socio-economic problems.

Experts explained that it cannot be completely said that eating only vegetables is the cause of depression, but research has found evidence that vegetarians are more prone to depression than people who do not eat meat.

According to experts, this is probably due to the lack of vitamins and iron found in meat, the brain is not active and suffers from depression.

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