Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Did NATO bomb Libya?

 Yes, NATO did bomb Libya. In 2011, NATO intervened in Libya to protect civilians during the Libyan Civil War. NATO carried out roughly 9,700 strike sorties and dropped over 7,700 precision-guided bombs during the seven-month campaign

 The bombing campaign had a devastating toll on civilians, and at least 72 civilians were killed, one-third of them children under age 18
 There have been accusations that NATO stretched its United Nations mandate in favor of a preset goal aimed at regime change
 However, NATO intervened to protect civilians, not to set up a democracy
 The legacy of the intervention has been subject to opposite assessments, with some analysts referring to it as an undeniable success and others blaming NATO's operation for the current state of chaos and insecurity in post-Gaddafi Libya

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