Thursday, August 17, 2023

Who is @Leena_Ghani ?

 Leena Ghani is a women's rights activist, artist, and makeup artist

 She has been the target of personal and legal attacks by someone named Mr. Zafar
 She has decided to stand up for herself and fight back against these attacks
 On Instagram, she has two accounts: @leenaghani.mua and @leenaghani
 She has over 5,000 followers on the latter account. She has also written articles for Aaj English TV
 In 2021, she shared a story about how she handled harassment in a park in Lahore, Pakistan

what is the background of Leena Ghani?
Leena Ghani is an artist, women's rights activist, and makeup artist
 She studied at the National College of Arts (NCA) in Lahore, where she was taught by Lala Rukh, one of the founders of the Women's Action Forum (WAF) in 1981, an organization formed to protest against and counter the vehemently anti-women legislation passed under the military dictatorship of General Zia-ul-Haq

 In March 2018, Ghani was one of many women who came together to organize the first march on International Women's Day in Lahore, in solidarity with marches in other cities and around the world
 She has written articles for Aaj English TV
 and has over 5,000 followers on her Instagram account @leenaghani
 In 2021, she shared a story about how she handled harassment in a park in Lahore, Pakistan

how did Leena Ghani become involved in the MeToo movement in Pakistan?
Leena Ghani became involved in the MeToo movement in Pakistan through her personal experiences and her commitment to women's rights activism. Here is how she became involved:
  1. Studying under Lala Rukh: At Lahore's National College of Arts (NCA), Leena Ghani studied under Lala Rukh, an artist and one of the founders of the Women's Action Forum (WAF) in 1981. WAF was formed to protest against anti-women legislation passed under the military dictatorship of General Zia-ul-Haq
  2. Organizing the first march on International Women's Day: In March 2018, Ghani was one of the women who organized the first march on International Women's Day in Lahore. This march was held in solidarity with marches in other cities and aimed to raise awareness about women's rights and gender equality
  3. Meesha Shafi's allegations: The MeToo movement in Pakistan gained momentum in April 2018 when Meesha Shafi, a singer and actor, accused Ali Zafar, a prominent actor and musician, of sexual harassment through a tweet. This case brought widespread attention to the issue of sexual harassment in the country
  4. Accusing Ali Zafar: Leena Ghani took to Twitter to accuse Ali Zafar of inappropriate contact, groping, and sexual comments. She shared her experiences and allegations against him, becoming one of the voices in the MeToo movement in Pakistan
  5. Filing a lawsuit: In January 2021, Leena Ghani filed a lawsuit against Ali Zafar for alleged sexual harassment and defamation. She sought Rs 500 million as compensation for the harm she suffered. Ghani decided to stand up for herself and fight back after facing years of personal and legal attacks by Zafar
Through her activism, personal experiences, and willingness to speak out, Leena Ghani has become an important figure in the MeToo movement in Pakistan, raising awareness about sexual harassment and advocating for justice for survivors.

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